Sunday, November 1, 2009

Who have I met?

Since this campaign began in July for myself and my family, I have met many interesting people, and they all have had a variety of opinions. One of the best has been Bob Newland, a resident of Hermosa and also a convicted felon. I had never heard of Mr. Newland until he called me in July and asked if he could send some e-mail questions my way. I was thrilled that I was getting some press so of course I said yes. We have had a couple face to face meetings and I also asked if he would be my campaign manager. It is not much of an offer since I wasn't able to offer a salary or even a future bonus. I told him I felt he still had the fire in the belly for freedom and I am looking for fighters to carry that message. He was under the impression that I was foolish to ask a convicted felon for any public help and that it would probably sink my campaign before it even began.

Ethan Schmidt, a Pennington County Commissioner, has also been a new found friend for me. We met for lunch, along with our wives and my two small children. I am impressed that he pushes for open meetings, even for something mundane like septic ordinances.

Gordon Howie has also been very welcoming. He is a state senator and also chairs the Citizens for Liberty.

The Sioux Falls Republican Women have invited me to a Q and A at the Westword Ho Country Club November 17, 2009 at 7 p.m. It means alot to have the opportunity to present myself to the voters of the Sioux Empire.

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