Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Grandpa Wasson owned a bar, Grandpa Johnson worked the soil.

Both of my Grandfathers lived in a little town called Ainsworth, Nebraska. My dad's dad owned a bar 'The Longhorn' which was fascinating for a kid growing up. When I was able to spend time in Ainsworth, my siblings and cousins would walk down and have Grandpa make us a drink. The drink was called a suicide, a fountain soda mixed with ice and water served in a tall glass. Then he would break out quarters and we would play pool.

My mother's dad grew crops and drove truck during the winter. He would always give me advice when we were alone 'never buy anything on credit' and 'always pray for rain' were his favorites.
When he was a young man he loved to play baseball. During the late 30's and early 40's the U.S. Army had an airfield in Johnstown, Nebraska. The servicemen would get a team and the local farmers had theirs. We would always drive out to the old ball field and airstrip and I would listen to him reminisce.

1 comment:

  1. This is nice stuff, Thad. You are showing that you have more elements of humanity than any of your opponents.
